Sharing Our Woodturning Experiences

Update from Web Manager

I have made some changes to our website.  Previously the Menu listed Our Sponsors.  Now the Menu lists Vendors.  If you click on Vendors, you get a drop down with three choices:  Our Sponsors, Vendors-Alphabetical Listing, and Vendors by Product.  Check these pages out.  Please let me know what you think.  Let me know of any errors or corrections.  Tell me of any additional vendors you think I should add.

Monthly Newsletter from Steve Funk, President

Meeting Minutes

MIOH Woodturners
January 11, 2025
Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order by Steve Funk at 10:00 AM. There were 19_members
and 2 guests present
The treasurer reported a balance of $3,508.99
This Month birthdays are NONE
were provided by Wayne Miller, Gary Surratt, and Steve Funk
Safety Alerts
Rick Kimling got a finger cut while cutting with a band saw. Be carefu
Show & Tell was conducted by Dave Finn
The raffle was conducted by Scott Solsburg
The President’s Challenge was conducted by Steve Funk

Novice Class Winners were: 1st Place Bill Webber and 2ndPlace Dave Horner

Advanced Class Winners were: 1st Place Scott Solsburg and 2ndPlace Lynn  Soutthward
The Meeting Presentation Making a desk pedestal clock Was presented by Tom Jones
The President’s Challenge for next Month is make a clock. It doesn’t have to be a pedestal clock
Al Goldstein
MIOH Secretary

January, 2025 Picture Gallery